Good news this week! Got a call yesterday from my friend B and former co-worker asking me if I would be interested in working this week? I of course said a quick yes! Since, I have been putting off getting serious about looking for a job. It’s not that I don’t want to work I do. But, I just hate having to “sell myself” so to speak. To walk in, and hand someone my resume. Never knowing if it was handed to the right hands, ever looked at or just hit the trash can before I drove out of the parking lot. And if it was looked at then what did they think? Did they think I was serious about handing them my resume and working there? Anyway, I was thrilled when B asked if I would be able to work for a few days. Only to find out that she will be leaving there after next week for another job. I am happy for her because this is something she has wanted. We all need a change in our lives no matter what it miht be. Maybe it’s just something as simple as having mustard on your hamburger instead of mayo. Maybe it’s a different hair color or style (by the way B is the QUEEN of the changing hair styles and they all look good on her), or maybe it’s something bigger like a new job or a new house.
This leads me to this. We have been looking to move for awhile now. Some houses we know aren’t for us by the price of course, some their location, some we have had to go out and drive by, and others we have had taken the plunge and made a appointment to look inside. Some homes have been vacant others still have owners living in them. Some owners will burn candles so it smells so good you never want to leave, some clean from top to bottom, others can’t even be bothered to sweep the kitchen floor while others are somewhere in the middle. One we looked at not only had a wasp nest at the front door but a snake skin…yep you read that right. To be fair they probably used the back door and rarely used the front but still a snake skin??? I could say more but we’ll leave it at that..we were more interested in the 10 acres that came with it than the house or we wouldn’t of bothered…I would much rather look at a house where the owners have already found a new home…then I don’t feel like I am intruding. Where I can look in the closet, drawers etc without my sweet dh asking me what I am doing? He too feels like he is intruding. And of course he is more interested to see if there is cracks in the wall, the brick work outside etc…While I am looking around wondering if our king sized bed will fit in the bedroom along with the rest of the furniture. Or what color I would paint over that hideous color they have it painted now…Luckily he understands all the ins and outs of the legal stuff and I think he could have a 2nd career as a real estate agent. Stay tuned more to come on the house hunting!
Back to me working again…it was much more exciting yesterday when B called me into work than it was having to get dressed up and go in at 7 a.m. this morning after having 6 months to the day off…The first day is always the hardest. Will be working all next week as well and then we’ll see…At the moment I will take what I can get…and at the moment that is saying a whole lot for this place of employment that has laid off for 6 months from me as just a wee temp to people that have been there for over 30 years…Yep…I’ll take what I can get and be thankful..
Peach Smoothie
5 days ago
Well, at least you can tell yourself every morning, that "this is just temporary". :) Hope it goes well. Be on the look out for a package coming your way. ;p "SEMO"
Hi My Dear Friend!! This is so awesome, how did you ever know how to put it together!! I Love it! Can't wait to see everything your going to put in here. Great Job!! I know Iam still trying to get time to write! Take Care and hopefully will write you soon! Many Hugs to you...Judy
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